Sunday, April 19, 2015

She's Strong

It was hard for my parents to accept that she was different. I always knew she was though. She never wanted look me in the eyes, she was obsessed with the strangest things, and everything had to be done in a very certain way otherwise she would get upset. She loves bugs. She is always begging my parents for a new book on bugs, and I never knew that people could have meltdowns over dead bugs on the sidewalk until we took her to the park when she was three and cried so hard we had to leave. Until I got older I just thought everyone's siblings were like that until I realized it was just mine. Sometimes I feel invisible when my parents are around because they are always dealing with another meltdown. I like to stay quiet because my house is usually loud. I love her though. Some people ask me if I get annoyed or mad but I don't. Usually. If I do it goes away after a while because this is our life and I don’t think I would change it. She’s strong and I don’t think she knows she’s different yet but I’m sure someday someone will tell her and then I’ll have to be strong for her too.  

(From a sibling of a person with Aspergers)

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