Saturday, April 18, 2015

Loud, Busy, and Unpredictable

One of the most challenging things about being a parent of someone with an autism spectrum disorder is having to constantly educate everyone else about the situation. If I take my child out into public, there's definitely going to be some awkward situations. Places are loud, busy, and unpredictable--three things my kid (and others with ASD) can't really stand. I'm constantly having to explain to others, "He's not misbehaving, he just reacts differnetly to things." People stare. They whisper. But I hear and see it all. I hear them say, "What's wrong with that kid?" or "If he were mine, I'd discipline him." Sometimes people suggest that I leave him at home. But why is the the one that has to change? Why is he the one that has to be different? 
I don't think anyone realizes how lonely his life can be. He doesn't go outside to play with other kids. He doesn't get invited to their birthday parties. Everywhere we go, everyone just looks at him like he's strange. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Sometimes I'm just as frustrated as everyone else with him. 

(From a parent with a child with Autism)

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