Saturday, April 18, 2015

Big Foot

I have been reading up on Bigfoot and I think that I know how I could catch him. I believe that if I were to travel to a mountain range, I can set traps around my camp with ropes and triggers. I don't think that the ropes would really catch his body, but the point of them would be to make him make enough noise so I could get a picture or at least a few clumps of hair. That would be enough to convince people that Bigfoot was actually real.
I know that a lot of people don't think he is real, and I don't actively try to insist on it. However, because he hasn't been proven to not be real, than I don't see why we need to function under the assumption that he isn't real. We cannot dismiss things just because we don't think there is enough proof, just like we cannot accept things without enough proof. 
Facts are what makes the world keep turning. Without facts, we wouldn't have gravity or evolution or chocolate or the possibility of Bigfoot hanging around. Without facts, we would all just be people running around, doing people things, without anything else. Sometimes I wish people respected facts more, but the I realize that not everyone can, because that's what makes scientists and mathematicians and those people so special. We see what others can't. 

(From a student with ASD)

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